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Marchés Produits Terms Livraison Dernière mise à jour Dernier Prix Unité & Monnaie Zone Forward
FEEDS European ALFALFA, Index FCA Europe SPOT 21 Mar 24 23:00 250.00 EUR/mT EU
GRAINS European OAT, Index FCA Europe SPOT 21 Mar 24 23:00 312.63 EUR/mT EU
GRAINS European RYE, Index FCA/DDP Europe SPOT 21 Mar 24 23:00 169.36 EUR/mT EU
GRAINS European MILOSORGHUM, Index CPT/FCA Europe SPOT 21 Mar 24 23:00 175.25 EUR/mT EU
GRAINS European TRITICALE, Index CPT Europe MAR/MAY24 21 Mar 24 23:00 149.30 EUR/mT FR