Softs News

Jul 18 - Trade remains quiet in Vietnam, supplies build up in Indonesia (Reuters)

-Trading activity in Vietnam remained sluggish amid low supplies and high asking prices, while premiums fell in Indonesia as supplies are building up there, traders said on Thursday.

Farmers in the Central Highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 127,000-127,700 dong ($5.00-$5.02) per kg, unchanged from last week.
"It is four months away until the next harvest however there is not much coffee left," said a trader based in the coffee belt. "Trade is very tepid as no one is keen to buy at this high price."

Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $500 per metric ton to the September contract.
"At the moment, I don't think domestic prices can surpass the 135,000 dong per kg mark. Sluggish coffee trading activities remain an obstacle," said Nguyen Ngoc Quynh, deputy chief of Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam.

Indonesia's Sumatra robusta coffee beans were offered at $600 premium to the September contract this week, lower than the $750 premium to the August contract last week, a trader said. Another trader quoted a premium of $630 to the September contract, down from $770 a week ago, "as supply has improved".
"There is a lot of coffee in the market thanks to ongoing harvest in the main producing areas in Lampung. The harvest is estimated to peak in July to August," the second trader added.

Asep, a coffee farmer in Indonesia's Lampung province, said his coffee output rose to one ton per hectare this year, far above 200 kilograms last year as the weather was favourable.

Jul 12 - International coffee prices swelled roughly 20% last quarter amid extreme heat in major Asian coffee-growing regions, joining weather-driven rallies in such other commodities as rubber and natural gas.

Benchmark London robusta coffee futures were 18.1% higher at the end of June than at the end of March and hit an all-time high of $4,394 per tonne on June 6. Arabica coffee futures were up 20.6%.

The jump came even as the FTSE/CoreCommodity CRB Index, an international indicator for the wider commodity market, hovered around 290 at the end of June -- roughly flat compared with the end of March. Crude oil futures, a major component of the index, fell about 1% to 2% during that period.

Heat waves in Southeast Asia are the chief cause of the spike in coffee prices. Since April, average temperatures in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines have been hotter than normal, running as high as 48 C.

Vietnam produces roughly 40% of the world's robusta coffee beans, which are used for instant coffee. But its coffee farmers face a severe drought. The dry spell has sparked concerns that the fall harvest will be impacted.
"The previous year's harvest of the robusta variety was poor, so prices have risen on concerns of a second consecutive year of lean harvests that would prolong the tight supply-demand balance," said Masanobu Takano, who works in coffee and tea at Kobe-based trading house S. Ishimitsu & Co.

The heat in Southeast Asia has also affected prices of natural rubber, a major export of Thailand and Indonesia. Rubber futures on the Osaka Exchange, an international benchmark, rose to 360.90 yen ($2.23) per kilogram on June 10, their highest point since mid-March.

Rubber production tends to slow down between March and May on reduced supply of the natural latex fluid it is made from. After this, supply usually increases, bringing prices down.

Jul 10 - Robusta coffee prices hit record high due to supply shortage (Reuters)

- Robusta coffee prices surged to a record high on Tuesday with the global market tightened by a slowdown in shipments from top producer Vietnam. The price of robusta beans has risen 63% this year, peaking on Tuesday at $4,667 a metric ton on the London-based ICE Futures Europe market. The market has been rising for about 18 months as global producers such as Vietnam struggle to keep pace with steadily rising demand. Prices climbed by 58% in 2023.

Demand for robusta has been growing as roasters switch out of arabica into the cheaper bean. Robusta is typically used to make instant coffee but it has also been increasingly added to roast coffee blends dominated by arabica.

Vietnam's coffee exports in June were just 70,202 tons, taking the cumulative total for the first half of this year to 893,820 tons, down 11.4% from a year earlier, customs data showed on Tuesday.
"This lower export performance for Vietnam during the month of June continues to reflect the tight internal market conditions within this largest robusta-producing nation," coffee trader I & M Smith said in a daily update. Coffee production in Vietnam almost tripled during the first two decades of this century, peaking at 31.58 million 60-kg bags in the 2021/22 season, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. The last couple of seasons, however, have produced smaller crops with the most recent harvest estimated by the USDA at 29 million bags. A further decline is widely forecast for the upcoming 2024/25 season.

Jul 09 - Demand for coffee has continued to grow globally despite rising prices

The International Coffee Organization this month estimated a rise of 2.2% in global coffee consumption in the 2023/24 season.
Trader I & M Smith said on Tuesday that many independent forecasts saw demand continuing to grow in 2024/25, albeit at a slightly slower pace of 1.25%.
"This growth is primarily driven by relatively new coffee consumer markets and producer countries such as China, India, Indonesia, the Middle East and Vietnam who have registered increased internal coffee consumption," the trader said.

The challenges faced by Vietnamese robusta producers have created an opportunity for Brazil, which grows mostly arabica beans but has been expanding production of robusta, a variety more resistant to dry weather.
"Brazil now is planting a lot and probably in a couple of years will became the most important country as regarding the production of robusta, more important than Vietnam," Giuseppe Lavazza, chairman of coffee company Lavazza told Reuters.

Brazil produced around 21.5 million bags of robusta coffee last year, a near record, and is harvesting what is expected by most analysts to be a larger crop, despite some early complaints by farmers about yields.
"I know that with these kind of prices they (Brazilian farmers) are running like crazy to produce more and more robusta," Lavazza said.

Jun 28 - Trading activities remained sluggish in Vietnam on thin supplies with domestic prices stable at around 120,000 dong per kg, while premiums in Indonesia remained high, traders said on Thursday.

Farmers in the Central Highlands, Vietnam’s largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 119,000-120,200 dong ($4.67-$4.72) per kg, little changed from a week ago.

“Domestic coffee trading is pretty quiet as farmers have run out of beans while some firms are not willing to import (beans) at too high prices,” said Nguyen Ngoc Quynh, deputy chief of Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam (MXV).

“Coffee prices are likely to increase in the last days of June and early July.” A trader based in the coffee belt said recent rainfalls in the area benefited coffee trees and have boosted the size of cherries.

Jun 28 - Sharp increase in Czech poppyseed production expected

Most players expect a promising blue poppyseed production in Czechia in 2024 due to favorable weather, promising an output of around 28,000-30,000 metric tons (55-67% more year-on-year) on 40,000 hectares (67% more y/y).

Once the Ukrainian supply of sunflower seeds is secured, many farmers have turned to blue poppyseeds due to bullish prices.

This bumper crop heralds a bearish price trend from September onwards, once the harvest concludes. Farmgate prices average € 2.9/kg FCA for seeds with less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of morphine.

Jun 24 - Some Vietnam coffee farms thrive despite drought, but may not stop espresso price hikes (Reuters)

- Vietnamese coffee growers have been hit hard this year by the worst drought in nearly a decade, raising concerns of pricier espressos across the world, even as some farmers keep yields healthy with clever countermeasures. Domestic forecasts for next season's harvest in Vietnam, the world's second biggest coffee producer, remain grim.

The Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam (MXV) expects a 10-16% fall in output because of the extreme heat that hit the Central Highlands coffee region between March and early May, according to deputy head Nguyen Ngoc Quynh. However, a return of rains in recent weeks has improved the outlook, boosting confidence among farmers and officials. But it remains unclear whether the improved weather will help boost output and drive down prices of robusta beans, the variety most commonly found in espressos and instant coffees, of which Vietnam is the world's top producer.

"I expect the country's output to fall by 10-15%, but my farm will increase production", said Nguyen Huu Long, who grows coffee in a 50-hectare plantation in Gia Lai, one of the top coffee-producing provinces in Vietnam.
To protect his trees during the heatwave, he kept the soil around the plants moist by covering it with leaves. Contrary to the local practice of cutting trees after a few years to boost soil quality, he keeps his growing for decades. As a result, plants have deeper roots and broader access to underground water reserves. Farmers in his plantation also soften the soil around plants to improve absorption of rainwater and fertilisers, said Doan Van Thang, 39.
Tran Thi Huong, a tenant farmer who works in another plantation 20 km from Pleiku, Gia Lai's capital, resorted to using more water than usual. Thanks to abundant reserves from canals built by local authorities, she could keep her plants sufficiently irrigated during the heatwave.

Coffee cherries are smaller than in previous years, but she expects the overall output to be unaffected. It also helped that she timely intervened with biopesticides against bugs that were more numerous than usual because of the extreme weather. That is in line with the forecast from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which estimates Vietnam's next harvest would be roughly steady versus the current season's output - far less pessimistic than domestic projections.

Whatever the impact on the harvest will be, coffee prices for drinkers around the world are likely to rise.
Wholesale prices in Vietnam and London-traded robusta futures have risen to record highs earlier this year mostly after an underwhelming harvest in Vietnam and because of fears over the country's next harvest after the drought, according to multiple traders and analysts.
Record wholesale prices have so far had a limited impact on consumer prices, with coffee inflation up by only 1.6% in the 27-country European Union in April, according to the latest Eurostat data, and 2.5% in robusta-loving Italy.
While well below price rises from a year earlier, it was higher than 1% in the March EU reading, a sign roasters may have started to pass their higher costs on consumers.
Besides, worries about Vietnam are far from over, as insufficient rains after the drought or excessive downpours before the upcoming October harvest season could further reduce output, warned a Vietnam-based trader.
The high wholesale prices may also be there to stay, as robusta demand is growing globally and farmers have boosted their leverage in the current circumstances, with many having also replaced coffee plants with pungent smelling durian, a tropical fruit experiencing huge demand in China.
"They have the financial ability to hoard and hold on goods, so they will not be in a hurry to sell," said Le Thanh Son, of Simexco, one of Vietnam's biggest coffee exporters.

Jun 21 - Global coffee production to rise by 7 mln bags in the new crop, says USDA
Coffee production in the world is projected to increase by 7 million bags, or 4.1%, in the new crop that in most countries starts in October, the United States Agriculture Department said on Thursday in a biannual report. The USDA said total production of the beans will rise to 176.23 million 60-kg bags from 169.18 million bags previously, mostly due to higher output in top grower Brazil and to a recovery in robusta grower Indonesia after last year's dismal crop that was hit by the El Nino climate pattern.

Jun 19 - Smuggling continues to disrupt normal patterns of trading in Sudanese gum Arabic

The smuggling of gum Arabic has become increasingly prevalent in recent months, industry sources report.
“There are a lot of Sudanese origin products now smuggled – stolen or illegally acquired – straight down the border to Chad where they are sold at substantially reduced prices. This is disturbing the gum Arabic market.”

The sources explained that the Sudanese Kordofan Hashab grade of gum Arabic can currently be purchased in Chad for less than $2,900 per metric ton FOB whereas the actual price being quoted in Sudan on this grade is around $3,500/t FOB. In addition, there is a substantial price differential of around $200-300 per metric ton for the grade two Sudanese gum Arabic (Talha).

The port of shipment on this activity is Douala in Cameroon. Chad is landlocked so the latter is the nearest port of choice. Unconfirmed reports state that these illicitly traded consignments of gum Arabic are being labeled as Chad origin with Chadian supporting documents .

The source remarked: “This is not helping the general market stability. The new crop of gum Arabic is assumed to be less than 40-45% of that of last year which already is a destabilizing effect. The reason the price has not dropped more is that the two main French processors are already well stocked.”

Chad itself is the second largest producer of gum Arabic after Sudan.

The smuggling problem from Chad gathered momentum since the start of the conflict in Sudan in April 2023. Some Sudanese producers have re-established themselves in Dubai or Egypt in order to escape the conflict and issues that have arisen.

Jun 19 - Sesame seed

Meanwhile, sesame seed remains comparatively high-priced at $1,700 per metric ton FOB from Chad and Nigeria.
Cleared goods from Mersin (Turkey) are around $1,720/t FOB and $1,550/t FOB for Tanzania or Uganda sesame seed, by comparison.
“China is not jumping in to buy big quantities so its absence is keeping prices depressed,” the source explained.

Jun 14 - Asia Coffee: Prices slightly down in Vietnam, volatile in Indonesia (Reuters)

- Coffee prices in Vietnam edged down slightly this week tracking global prices as harvest started in Brazil, but prices in Indonesia were unexpectedly volatile, traders said on Thursday.
Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam’s largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 120,000-121,000 dong ($4.72-$4.76), slightly lower than last week’s 123,500-125,000 dong.
Robusta coffee LRC for September delivery shed $152 in a week, settling at $4,142 per metric ton as of Wednesday’s close.
“Prices were down slightly as harvest has started in Brazil that can ease the thirst for beans now,” a trader based in the coffee belt said.
“However poor coffee exports from Vietnam in May kept prices from falling further.”

- Vietnam exported 79,358 metric tons of coffee or 1.32 million 60-kg bags in May, a decrease of 47.8% from the previous month, customs data showed. Traders had expected May’s exports to be around 1.58 million 60-kg bags.
In the first five months of this year, Vietnam exported 817,514 metric tons, down 5.8% from a year earlier, according to customs data.
Another trader based in the coffee belt said the market was tepid with many turning to trade peppers instead.
“Some traders have turned to Indonesia for beans but not many due to high prices and different quality while some are trading peppers,” the trader said.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $600-$700 per ton to the September contract.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta beans for July deliveries were offered at $1,050 premium this week, down from $1,350 last week, one trader said.
Another trader quoted $980 premium to the September contract, up from $650 premium a week ago.
“That the prices are very volatile surprises us,” the second trader said.

Jun 11 - Brazilian sugar exports remain high (UNICA)

- Sugar exports from Brazil, the world’s largest producer and exporter, continued to increase as the international market has been more dependent on its supply than usual, due to lower production in Thailand and restrictions on exports from India. Total shipments reached 2.809 million metric tons in May, the second month of the 2024-25 season, up 17% from the same month last year and 49% from April, customs data showed.

- This brought cumulative exports in the current season to around 4.697 million metric tons, up 39% year-on-year. Meanwhile, total exports in the first five months of 2024 surged by 62% y/y to 13.59 million metric tons.

- The value of exports for May increased by 13% to nearly $1.3 billion, after soaring by 113% y/y in April. The sugar price averaged $475 per metric ton in May, down 3% from last year and 9% from the previous month.

- Egypt was the biggest buyer of Brazilian sugar in May with 399,740 metric tons (+575% y/y), accounting for 14% of the total volume, followed by Algeria with 308,481 metric tons (+76% y/y) and Saudi Arabia with 260,294 metric tons (-6% y/y).

- According to the latest data from the Brazilian sugar and ethanol industry group Unica, sugar production in the first half of May slowed down compared with the previous 15 days in the country’s center south region, which could pressure export volumes this month.

Jun 10 - Sugar mill strikes put Australia's cane harvest at risk
Industrial disputes at factories that produce more than half of Australia's sugar could cause cane to be left unharvested if they are not resolved soon, threatening production and exports, people in the industry said.

Jun 06 - Strong recovery in Colombian coffee production (FNC)

Colombian washed arabica coffee production totaled 1.12 million 60 kg bags in May, up 39% from 806,000 bags in the same month last year and up 51% the previous month, according to the National Coffee Federation (FNC).Cumulative production in the 2023-24 season from October last year to May rose 19% y/y to 8.307 million bags, but remained slightly below the five-year average of 8.496 million metric tons. The production in the leading supplier of washed arabica coffee is recovering after falling for the past two seasons due to excessive wetness. FNC reported that Colombia exported 933,000 bags last month, 10% more than a year ago. This brought total shipments since the start of the season to 7.784 million bags, a 10% increase from the same period last year. The main buyer of Colombian coffee in the first seven months of 2023-24 remained the US, followed by Canada, Belgium, Germany, and Japan.

Jun 06 - Rising price difference in Turkish hazelnuts relying on skin removal rate

Average quotes for Turkish hazelnuts are gradually falling although the price difference is growing based on skin removal for main varieties (Akcakoca, Levant and Cakildak Levant), according to trading sources.

Prices average $7.30/kg, down from $8.50/kg in March-April

Currently, most Akcakoca and Levant hazelnuts have a very low skin removal rate and are exported as raw hazelnuts. On the other hand, Cakildaks, which can be roasted easily are being exported at high prices, driving a bullish price trend for high-quality nuts against the Akcakocas and Levants, the Turkish processor Roy Ginla has reported to S&P Global Commodity Insights.

As a result, old inventories are worsening their average quality.

Jun 05 - ICCO revises global cocoa supply deficit upwards (ICCO)

In its second quarterly report, the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) revised upwards its world cocoa production estimate for the 2022-23 season (October-September) to 5.07 million metric tons, up by 51,000 from the previous report. Estimates for global grindings in 2022-23 have also been revised upwards to 5.073 million metric tons, 53,000 more than in the previous report.

For the current 2023-24 season, global cocoa production was revised up by 11,000 metric tons from the previous projection to 4.461 million metric tons. The countries that contributed most to this increase were Nigeria (+30,000 metric tons to 300,000 metric tons) and Guinea (+15,000 to 50,000 metric tons). In contrast, downward revisions were made to the production for Ghana (-79,000 to 501,000 metric tons). At the regional level, Africa is estimated to account for 71% of global production, the Americas for 24%, and Asia and Oceania for 6%.

The lower year-on-year production was attributed to unseasonal weather patterns in many producing countries. Coupled with that, the rising spread of diseases such as Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus (CSSVD) in West Africa combined with high prices of farm inputs have worsened production conditions.

The ICCO raised its forecasts for cocoa grindings in 2023-24 to 4.855 million metric tons, up by 76,000 metric tons from the previous projection. The highest revisions were made for Malaysia (+25,000 to 370,000 metric tons), Canada and Turkey (+20,000 each to 115,000 metric tons). The largest negative adjustment was for Ghana (-30,000 to 180,000 metric tons).
“Current available data reveal that cocoa grinding has so far been unrelenting in importing countries despite the record cocoa price rallies. However, grinding at origin which was earlier on viewed as an impetus to prop up demand, as producing countries engaged earnestly in value addition investments, has slowed down due to the lack of beans,” the ICCO explained.

The ICCO said that much lower cocoa supplies from the leading producing countries have further extended the supply deficit. The revised global production deficit is now projected at 439,000 metric tons, an increase from the 374,000 metric tons previously forecast. This is also significantly higher than the deficit of 76,000 metric tons estimated for 2022-23.

Total statistical stocks are therefore anticipated to reach 1.328 million metric tons, which is equivalent to 27.4% of projected annual grindings in 2023-24.

In terms of cocoa trade activity, less cocoa beans and cocoa semi-finished products were exported in the first quarter of 2023-24 compared with the previous season. The global exports totaled 2.36 million metric tons from October to December last year, 6% less than the 2.5 million metric tons shipped a year ago. Exports of cocoa beans fell by 8.7% y/y to around 1.176 million metric tons, while powder and cake exports declined by 0.2% y/y to 454,491 metric tons. Cocoa butter exports reached 397,335 metric tons, down 6.8% y/y. Shipments of cocoa paste fell by 2.1% to 329,291 metric tons.

May 31 - Asia coffee: Trade tepid in Vietnam, Indonesian premiums fall

- Trade activities were tepid in Vietnam this week on low supplies and high prices, while premiums in Indonesia fell amid increasing London prices and ahead of the harvest, traders said on Thursday.

Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam’s largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 120,000-121,200 dong ($4.71-$4.76) per kg, up from 110,000-114,500 dong a week ago.

Robusta coffee for July delivery settled up 0.4% on Wednesday, at $4,042 per metric ton. “Trade is very tepid now as supplies from both dealers and farmers are very thin,” said a trader based in the coffee belt.
“Some roasters had to buy robusta beans from Brazil to fulfil their needs, but it takes around three months for the beans to arrive here not to mention additional import tax they had to pay.” Another trader based in the coffee belt said that rainfall had been recorded in the growing area but “damages already occurred”.

Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $600-$700 per ton to the July contract. Vietnam exported 833,000 metric tons of coffee in the first five months of this year, down 3.9% from a year earlier, government data showed. However, coffee export revenue in the same period rose 44% to $2.9 billion.

May 30 - USDA projects Vietnam's 2024/25 coffee crop at 29 mln bag (USDA-Reuters)

- Vietnam, the world's largest producer of robusta coffee, is projected to harvest 29 million 60-kg bags of coffee in the 2024/25 season (Oct-Sept), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) said on Thursday. The USDA also raised its estimates for the two prior seasons, saying higher prices have encouraged farmers to apply better crop care.

Robusta coffee prices hit an all-time high in April due to higher demand and limited production, particularly in Asia. Indonesia is also a relevant producer of robusta, a type of coffee widely used to make instant coffee and ready to drink coffee beverages.
"High global coffee prices have helped support Vietnam's coffee industry despite several years of adverse weather. Farmers are using irrigation and intercropping to mitigate the effects of drought and high temperatures," the USDA post in Hanoi said in a report.

- USDA raised its estimate for the current crop (2023/24) by 6% to 29.1 million bags. The department projected Vietnam's green bean exports in 2024/25 at 24.4 million bags, based on continued high export prices and strong demand. USDA's Vietnam projections are higher than some other views in the market.

- A major coffee trade house recently projected Vietnam's 2024/25 crop at only 24 million bags, saying the hot, dry weather in April would likely hurt the flowering period for the new crop.

May 29 - Cocoa arrivals at Ivorian ports down 16% y/y
Weekly cocoa arrivals at Ivory Coast’s ports for the period between 20 and 26 May totaled 32,000 metric tons, down 16% from 38,000 metric tons in the same week a year ago but above the previous week's 31,000 metric tons, according to exporters. This was the fourth consecutive week-on-week increase. Around 13,000 metric tons of beans were delivered to Abidjan port and 19,000 metric tons to San Pedro.

Cumulative arrivals from the start of the 2023-24 season in October last year to 26 May totaled 1.469 million metric tons, down 29% from the same period a year ago.

Ivory Coast is in its rainy season, which runs officially from April to mid-November. However, a lack of rain in the country’s main cocoa regions last week could affect the development of small and average pods expected to be harvested during the April-to-September mid-crop, farmers reported to Reuters.

They said current soil moisture levels should help mid-crop development in the coming weeks, but more rain would be needed to develop the crop until the end of the season. More sunny spells would also be needed next month for the beans to dry properly.

May 27 - Ghana's COCOBOD to borrow up to $1.5 bln for 2024/25 cocoa purchases, sources say
Ghana's cocoa regulator will borrow up to $1.5 billion by September to finance 2024/25 cocoa purchases and compensate for low output, two COCOBOD sources with knowledge of the arrangement said on Sunday. The world's second-largest cocoa producer after neighbouring Ivory Coast uses an annual syndicated loan to finance bean purchases from farmers. It is usually agreed at the start of the season in September.

May 27 - Egypt buys 250,000 tonnes of raw sugar scheduled to arrive during September and October 2024
Egypt bought 250,000 tonnes of raw sugar scheduled to arrive during September and October 2024, Egypt's supply ministry said on Saturday. The total quantities of raw sugar purchased to enhance the country’s sugar stocks reached 750,000 tonnes, to arrive during the period from May to October 2024, the supply ministry added.

May 24 - Vietnam domestic prices edge higher in Vietnam on global cues

- Domestic coffee prices in Vietnam inched up this week following a surge in London prices on ongoing concerns over supplies, while premiums were also up in Indonesian market, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 110,000-114,500 dong ($4.32-$4.50) per kg, higher than last week's 100,400- 101,500 dong.

Robusta coffee for July delivery have so far gained $399 since the beginning of this week, settling at $3,917 per metric ton on Wednesday.
"It's been raining recently but a little too late as damages due to the dryness has been recorded. Many baby cherries fell off the trees," said a trader based in the coffee belt.
"Prices may remain above the 100,000 dong per kg mark. But whether prices rise to the record it made earlier this month depend on the supplies from Indonesia and Brazil."

Vietnam's state-run Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper quoted Nguyen Nam Hai, head of Vietnam's cacao and coffee association, that until October this year, when the new crop season started, bean supplies would remained very limited.

In Indonesia's, robusta beans were offered at $1,250 premium to the July contract, up from $1200 last week, following the trend on London terminal, one trader said, .
Another trader offered $1,100 premium to the July contract, compared with the $1100-$1200 range last week.

May 23 - Robusta coffee rises most since 2010 on Vietnam rain concerns (Bloomberg)
Coffee futures surged, with robusta in London jumping the most intraday since 2010 as concerns grew over supply from key grower Vietnam.

Robusta coffee rose as much as 7%, while arabica gained 6%. Prices for robusta beans used in instant coffee have surged this year as droughts hurt production in Vietnam, the top grower of the variety, before easing earlier this month. Rains have helped to improve the supply picture, but more may still be needed. Also supporting prices is high demand for robusta beans.

Typically, a rise in robusta prices encourages a shift towardS using more arabica in blends, but that isn’t happening at this time, Andrea Illy, chairman of Italian coffee roaster Illycaffe SpA, said on Tuesday on Bloomberg Television.
“It’s a quite unique dynamic in the market,” Illy said, adding that “for certain kinds of preparation, like instant coffee, robusta is more important”.

Illy said that climate change has made coffee supplies less reliable, creating an “unstable dynamic” in bean inventories and higher baseline prices.
Exports of both robusta and arabica from Brazil, the world’s top coffee producer, are strong, Rabobank analyst Guilherme Morya said in a note.

But uncertainties about Vietnam’s robusta supply have attracted hedge funds into the market and driven up international prices, he said.

Meanwhile, harvests in Indonesia are expected to start this month or next, marking a “substantial delay from the norm” due to droughts caused by El Nino, according to a report last Friday from the US Department of Agriculture.

Better weather is expected to support a recovery in output next season for Indonesia, the world’s fourth-biggest coffee producer, which primarily grows the robusta variety.

Coffee production is seen rising 14% to about 10 million bags in 2024, the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters and Industries said on Monday.

May 24 - Concerns and bans on Indian spice processors’ products in the US, Bangladesh, China and Singapore (Spices Board of India)

The Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has reported that it is analyzing products such as canned spice and curry mixes of the Indian spice processors Everest and MDH, after suffering rejections in the US and Chinese customs due to high levels of ethylene oxide, used as a pesticide and considered a cancer source.

Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety (CFS) released notifications about both Indian processors due to ethylene oxide levels, banning its sale, on 5 April.

Meanwhile, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that it is requesting information about imports of both suppliers, following CFS’ actions. Prior to this, MDH’s products were recalled by the US authorities in 2019.

In addition, Singaporean authorities have recalled also products of both for the same reason.

The Spices Board of India has also requested information to analyze the reason for these quality concerns.

May 24 - Conab raises estimate for Brazil’s coffee production (CONAB)

In its second estimate for the Brazilian coffee season in 2024, the government food and statistics agency Conab slightly increased production to 58.81 million bags from the previous forecast of 58.08 million bags. This represents an increase of 6.8% from the 55.07 million bags harvested in 2023. The coffee season in 2023, an ‘off-year’ in the biennial production cycle, followed two years of adverse weather conditions, such as drought and low temperatures. However, with improved weather last year, yields started to recover again.

Arabica coffee production is expected to reach 42.11 million bags, 8.2% more than the previous year, due to an increase in both production area and yields in an ‘on-year’ in the arabica biennial production cycle. The total area is seen up 2.2% y/y to 1.52 million hectares. Coffee yield is estimated at 27.7 bags per hectare, up 5.9% from 2023.

Meanwhile, robusta coffee production is forecast at 16.71 million bags, a 3.3% increase from the previous year. Due to good technological support and better climatic conditions, this would represent the second largest crop in Conab's historical series. Robusta coffee yields are projected to be higher at 43.6 bags/ha, up 4.5% on the year, while the area under production is expected to fall 1.1% to 383,601 ha.

In the third and next survey, to be published in September, Conab will update the estimate for 2024 after the peak of the harvest.

May 23 - Ethiopian Airlines cuts coffee shipping costs in export boost

Ethiopian Airlines has made a significant move to bolster the country's coffee exports by cutting the shipping cost to the Middle East and Asia by half, reducing it to $1.50 per kilogram. The flag carrier, in an announcement on May 21, cited its aim to spur exporters and enhance the presence of Ethiopian coffee in global markets as the driving force behind this reduction in transportation fees.

Gizat Worku, the General Manager of the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA), welcomed the decision during an interview with The Addis Standard. Worku spoke of the mutual benefits for exporters and recipients of Ethiopian green beans, particularly those engaged in roasted coffee and small-batch green bean exports destined for Middle Eastern and Asian markets. He noted that shipments to these regions are often smaller in scale, catering to high-end coffee retailers who command premium prices.

The strategic focus on expanding coffee exports to Asia and the Middle East also serves a protective purpose, as Worku clarified. This effort aims to mitigate potential losses anticipated with the impending implementation of the European Union's Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR), slated to take effect in December 2024.

Currently, EU member countries constitute approximately 30% of Ethiopia's total coffee export market, making it imperative for the country to diversify its export destinations.

Ethiopia's coffee industry has recently achieved a significant milestone, generating $1bn in revenue during the first ten months of the 2023/24 fiscal year. This surge in earnings, compared to the previous year, is credited to a notable increase in the global shipment volume of coffee.

Throughout this period, the Horn of Africa nation exported 209,000 tons of coffee, indicating a substantial rise from the corresponding timeframe in the preceding fiscal year.

As the world's third-largest producer of Arabica coffee, Ethiopia trails behind Brazil and Colombia. Renowned for its quality and distinctive characteristics, Ethiopian coffee commands high demand in the international specialty coffee market.

May 22 - 16 Russian organizations secure right to export sugar to EAEU countries (Interfax)

- Russia's Agriculture Ministry has distributed quotas to export a total of 181,500 tonnes of sugar to Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries to 16 organizations, the ministry reported.
Russia has imposed a temporary ban on sugar exports from the beginning of May to August 31, 2024. This measure is intended to support the stability of the domestic food market, the ministry said.

However, the government is allowing a total of 181,500 tonnes of sugar to be exported to other EAEU countries, including 28,000 tonnes to Armenia, 5,000 tonnes to Belarus, 120,000 tonnes to Kazakhstan and 28,500 tonnes to Kyrgyzstan.

Under the ministry's order, the largest quota, 77,100 tonnes, was awarded to leading Russian sugar producer Prodimex. SDS LLC and Rusagro Group can export more than 21,000 tonnes and 19,600 tonnes, respectively.

May 16 - ASIA COFFEE-Domestic prices rise in Vietnam, premiums up in Indonesia (Reuters)

Domestic coffee prices in Vietnam reclaimed the 100,000 dong per kg mark this week on concerns about weather conditions that may hurt the next crop, while premiums were up in Indonesia on limited local supplies.

Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 100,400-101,500 dong ($3.95-$3.99) per kg, up from last week's 94,000-97,000 dong.
"We've seen a lot more rains in May in comparison with previous months but we still have to wait and see," said a trader based in the coffee belt, adding farmers had sold most of their stocks.

Tuan Loc Commodities said in a note this week that farmers were diligently caring for their plantations and filling every available slot with new young trees after benefiting from good income this season and low fertilizer prices.

Robusta coffee for July delivery settled down $31 at $3,402 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $600-$700 per metric ton to the July contract.
Vietnam's coffee exports in the first four months of 20204 were at 737,797 tons, up 2.8% from last year, customs data showed. Vietnam exported 152,073 tons of coffee in April, a decrease of 19.5% from the previous month.

- In Indonesia's Lampung province on Sumatra Island, one trader offered robusta beans at a $1,200 premium to the July contract, up from $720-820 two weeks ago amid a drop in London terminal and limited local supply. Another trader offered $1,100-$1,200 to the July contract.

May 14 - Brazil's coffee exports jump 61% in April ( CECAFE )
Brazil's total exports of green coffee leaped nearly 61% year-over-year in April, rising to 3.90 million 60-kg bags, industry group Cecafe said on Monday. Shipments of arabica coffee, which account for most of the country's exports, grew 40.1% from the year-ago month to 3.22 million bags.

May 13 - Sugar market equilibrium masks significant supply risks
The global sugar market faces supply risks, such as a lack of rain and port congestion in top exporter Brazil, that may wreck the current equilibrium with low stocks reducing its resilience. The New York Sugar Week, an annual gathering of the sugar industry, where a series of seminars and an industry dinner attract participants from around the globe, took place this week against the backdrop of balanced supply and demand conditions.

May 10 - Ivory Coast suspends sales of raw cashews to exporters (Reuters)
Ivory Coast has suspended exporters' purchases and exports of raw cashew nuts to allow local processors to supply their factories, according to an agriculture ministry memo dated May 7 and seen by Reuters. Ivory Coast, the world's largest cocoa producer, has also become a leading grower of cashew nuts in recent years, but only a fraction of its nuts are processed locally as firms face steep competition from deeper-pocketed Asian exporters.

- Domestic coffee prices in Vietnam fell sharply this week following a dive in global prices, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the Central Highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 94,000-97,000 dong ($3.74-$3.81) per kg, a sharp decrease from last week's 132,500-133,200 dong range.

Robusta coffee for July delivery shed 7.2% against last week, at $3,414 per metric ton on Wednesday.
"Prices have fallen significantly since late last week, following a deep decrease on London terminal as long-holders liquidated their positions," said a trader based in the coffee belt.

Coffee trees in Vietnam are bearing baby fruits, but traders said it's too early to have an accurate forecast on the 2024/25 output.
"Rains have picked up in the region in the past days but we still have to wait until the end of this month to have a picture of the next crop," the trader said.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $500-$600 per ton to the July contract, falling from around $1,000 premium recently.

The Indonesian market is closed on Thursday on a public holiday.

May 08 - Dreyfus projects small global sugar supply, sees Brazil crop uncertain
The global sugar market will have a small surplus in 2024/25 at 800,000 metric tons versus a surplus of 2.5 million tons in 2023/24, commodities trader Louis Dreyfus said on Tuesday, adding the outlook for Brazil was still uncertain. Higher production in Thailand and Europe due to increased planting of cane and beet will be partly offset in 2024/25 (October-September) by falling output in India if the Indian government keeps its ethanol program as planned, said Dreyfus' head of sugar Enrico Biancheri in a presentation during New York Sugar Week.

May 07 - Coffee prices soar as Vietnam farmers switch to durian (Reuters)
- International prices for robusta coffee have reached new highs on unfavorable weather, increased consumption in Asia and the popularity of durian fruit in China.
"Things are hard with coffee beans and eggs becoming more expensive," said Nguyen Huong Giang at Cafe Giang, located in the old quarter of Vietnam's capital, Hanoi.

Founded in 1946, the cafe is known as the birthplace of egg coffee, a local specialty made with robusta coffee and whipped eggs. Rising costs have put significant strain on its finances.
Even so, the cafe says it will not change the price of 35,000 dong ($1.38) per cup, about half the price of a cup at Starbucks, many of which have sprouted around town.
"We can't raise prices easily when we think about regulars who have been coming since the time of my grandfather," who founded the cafe, Giang said. The cafe now also offers baked goods and whole coffee beans to cope with the financial strain.

Robusta futures in London hit a new high in late April, topping $4,500 per tonne. Though the market has cooled since, prices remain far higher than at the end of last year.
Vietnam ranks as the world's second-largest producer of coffee beans and the largest robusta producer. But many farmers in the country are shifting instead to durian, a fruit known for its thorny appearance, sweet taste and pungent odor.

Nicknamed "the king of fruits," durian has become very popular in China in recent years. Vietnamese exports to China surpassed $2 billion in 2023, more than five times the previous year, according to local reports. Further growth is expected this year. The shift to durian has reduced the area available to cultivate coffee plants, bringing down supply. Coffee grows best in the tropics, and a growing push against deforestation has made it increasingly difficult to find new land for growing the crop. This trend comes amid a greater supply crunch stemming from the El Nino weather phenomenon, which has caused drought in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam's coffee production totaled 29.2 million 60-kilogram bags between October 2022 and September 2023, down 9.8% year-on-year, the International Coffee Organization reports.
"It's too hot and there isn't enough water, so the coffee is not growing well," said Ngoc, a bean seller in southern Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City. She has a contract with a farm in the inland Dak Nong province, but said the plants there are withering due to a prolonged drought.

Another factor is that major European and U.S. companies are shifting away from the high-end Arabica variety, mostly produced in Central and South America, to the relatively inexpensive robusta in response to rising transportation and fuel costs, Japanese trading house Marubeni said. Structural factors like rising consumption in Southeast Asia and China contribute as well. From October 2022 to September 2023, consumption in the Asia-Pacific region totaled 44.5 million bags, more than one-quarter of the world's total and up 12% over the prior four years. Global consumption as a whole grew by just 1% during the period.

In Vietnam, it has become a common sight for men and women of all ages to sit and chat over coffee on the sidewalk. Though the country is said to have started growing coffee during the French colonial period in the 19th century, the drink only began gaining popularity in the 1980s. Demand has since grown as Vietnam's economy developed.
Consumption in Southeast Asia's coffee-producing countries used to be largely of low-grade beans not suited for export. But with the proliferation of Starbucks and other coffee shops, local demand for high-quality beans is growing.

May 03 - Costa Rica coffee exports rise 18% in April (ICAFE)Costa Rican coffee exports rose 18% in April from a year earlier, data released from national coffee institute ICAFE showed on Thursday, despite weak international demand and logistical disruptions in the first quarter. April shipments totaled 138,323 60-kg bags, according to ICAFE, 21,121 more than in the same month in 2023.

May 02 - Indian sugar mills end season with higher than expected output
India's sugar production has been higher than expected this year after the completion of cane crushing at most of its mills, industry officials said on Wednesday, with a late pick-up in rains raising output. With the majority of India's sugar mills having now completed crushing for the 2023/24 season, output so far stands at 31.59 million metric tons, according to the National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd (NFCSF).

May 02 - Ivory Coast, Ghana unable to deliver up to 500,000 tons of pre-sold cocoa beans
Top cocoa producers Ivory Coast and Ghana, in the midst of one of their worst harvests in decades, do not have beans available to fulfil deliveries of up to half a million tons pre-sold at about a quarter of current world prices, two industry sources told Reuters. The beans make up about 20% of the countries' joint output and the aim now is to deliver them next season to the buyers instead of during the current season, the sources said.

May 01 - ICE May raw sugar delivery hits 1.67 mln tns, 4th largest on record
Deliveries of raw sugar on the expiry of the May contract on ICE exchange were seen at 32,914 lots, or around 1.67 million metric tons, the fourth largest on record, according to preliminary information from three sugar traders on Tuesday. Singapore-based commodities trader Wilmar International was said to be the largest deliverer of the sugar with 29,727 lots, or around 1.51 million tons. Commodities trader Louis Dreyfus was said to be the main receiver with 19,127 lots, or around 971,000 tons, the traders said.

Apr 29 - Vietnam coffee farmers boost irrigation but running low on water, says report (Reuters)
- Coffee farmers in Vietnam, the world's largest producer of robusta coffee, have sharply increased use of irrigation in the main producing regions of the country amid excessive dryness, but they are now running low on water, a report said on Monday. So far this season, many farmers have used irrigation as much as seven times already, compared with five times usually in a normal season, and they are seeing the need to irrigate coffee trees for an eighth time if they have water, said J.Ganes Consulting LLC in notes from a crop tour in Vietnam.

"The severe water deficiency and extreme temperatures have caused nutrient imbalances for the trees," said soft commodities analyst Judith Ganes, president of J.Ganes Consulting, adding that wells used by the farmers to get water for irrigation are running low.
The report says that the hot and dry environment has favored the spread of pests such as cochinilla in some farms. That insect can hurt flowers and small fruits in the trees, leading to lower agricultural yields.

- An intense heatwave is sweeping through Southeast Asia, and maximum temperatures measured in several parts of northern and central Vietnam ranged from 40.2 to 44.0 degrees Celsius (104-111°F), the country's national weather agency said on Sunday, adding that temperatures will not subside until Wednesday. Vietnam's weather was the latest factor behind record high prices for robusta coffee . The market was already hot due to below-average production for Vietnam and Indonesia in the last crop, and now the climate conditions have not been favorable for the development of the new crop.
"The incidence of cochinilla in Gia Lai is extensive and not yet under control. The speed at which cochinilla can spread is very fast and so this situation is very concerning," said the report regarding one of the main coffee producing regions in Vietnam. Ganes said there is forecast for rains coming in May, which could relieve the dryness.

Apr 25 - Premiums hit Record high in Vietnam on Supply Concerns (Reuters)
- Premiums surpassed the $1,000-level for the first time in Vietnam this week amid concerns over the next crop's supply due to irrigation water shortage, while Indonesia was expecting coffee beans to be harvested in June, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 128,200- 129,500 dong ($5.06-$5.11) per kg. The price range was 105,000-105,900 dong two weeks ago.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $1,105-$1,100 per metric ton to the July contract.
"Buying interest from international roasters and trade houses are still great but none seems willing to pay the current exorbitant prices," Ho Chi Minh City-based Tuan Loc Commodities said in a note earlier this week.
"However, farmers and long middlemen are unfazed, having fewer coffee stocks to sell and being buoyed by recent gains," it added.

According to a trader based in the coffee belt, weather conditions remained unfavourable - hot and dry that may hurt upcoming crop supplies.

Robusta coffee for May delivery settled up $149, or 4%, at $4,266 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- In Indonesia's Lampung province on Sumatra island, one trader offered robusta beans at a $600 premium to the May contract, up from $550 last week, amid concerns of delayed harvest.
"Beans availability is still limited, and harvest may start in June," the trader said.

Another trader offered a $500-$560 premium to the July contract, down from a $620 premium a week earlier.

Apr 25 - First full-size sugar vessel reaches Baltimore Refinery after accident
A full-size vessel carrying raw sugar was able to navigate through the 20-foot deep temporary channel at the U.S. Patapsco River on Wednesday and reach the Port of Baltimore for the first time since an accident blocked access to the port almost a month ago. The vessel The Jonathan carried supplies for the large sugar refinery operated by the ASR Group - the company that makes Domino Sugar - located at Port of Baltimore.

Apr 25 - INC’s 2023-24 production estimate: 5.5 million metric tons, 11% more y/y

The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has forecast that the world raw cashew nut production might increase by 11% year-on-year to 5.5 million metric tons, with Ivory Coast (1.3 million metric tons, +5% y/y), India (740,000 metric tons, +25% y/y) and Cambodia (680,000 metric tons, +1.5% y/y), co-leading the supply.

High temperatures have been delaying harvests and damaging trees in March in West Africa. Vietnam’s crop has fallen by 11% y/y to 400,000 metric tons although exports of processed cashews are growing, fed by West African and Cambodian supply. Currently, the US and European demand is at highs as their inventories are at lows, although both markets might slow purchases once stocks are replenished.

Meanwhile, Indian demand for cashews continues at lows, making hard a bullish trend as almonds, walnuts and pistachios are increasing their market share in the nut market.
World raw cashew nut (RCN) suppy, 2023-24 estimate (metric tons)

Country         2022/23        2023/24
Ivory Coast    1,270,000    1,335,000
India                590,000       740,000
Cambodia         670,000       680,000
Vietnam            450,000       400,000
Nigeria              270,000        360,000
Guinea-Bissau    250,000        270,000
Benin                250,000        250,000
Ghana               215,000        250,000
Burkina Faso      140,000        160,000
Guinea Conakry  140,000        160,000
Togo                    73,000        120,000
Senegal               95,000        100,000
Gambia               28,000          28,000
Mali                      7,000          10,000

Tanzania            185,000        260,000
Brazil                 147,200        117,800
Mozambique         90,000         90,000
Indonesia             80,000         80,000
Kenya                    5,000           5,000

Total               5,010,200     5,572,500

Apr 24 - India's sugar demand surges in heat wave and election season
India's sugar consumption this year is poised to hit a record high as demand during the peak summer season gets a boost from heat waves and the mobilisation of millions for elections in the scorching temperatures. Higher consumption would lift local prices and boost margins of sugar producers such as Balrampur Chini, Shree Renuka Sugars, Bajaj Hindusthan, and Dwarikesh Sugar and help them in making cane payments on time to farmers.

Apr 24 - Brazil's robusta coffee yields lower than expected at start of harvest

Agricultural yields at the start of the harvest for Brazil's 2024 robusta coffee crop are reportedly lower than expected, a result of extremely high temperatures during the last summer in the country, according to farmers and coffee experts. "What we are hearing from the farmers is that the beans are smaller than last year, they did not develop as they should," said Luiz Carlos Bastianello, president of Cooabriel, Brazil's largest robusta coffee co-op.

Apr 23 - Uganda's March coffee exports plunge 32% yr/yr on poor harvest
Uganda's coffee exports plunged 32% year-on-year in March, hurt by a poor harvest in one of the major growing areas, the state-run sector regulator said on Monday. The east African country shipped a total of 329,686 60-kg bags during the month, Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) said in a report.

Apr 19 - Fears over coffee shortages send prices soaring to new highs (FT)
Heatwave in Vietnam damages robusta crop and prompts buying spree, pushing futures contract to highest since launch.
Global coffee prices are soaring as hot, dry weather in major producing countries in south-east Asia spurs fears of shortages.

Both cheaper robusta and higher-end arabica beans have rallied sharply since the start of the year. London robusta futures, the global benchmark, hit $3,948 per tonne on Friday, a record since the contract started trading more than 16 years ago. Arabica futures in New York also rose to $2.34 a pound — the highest level since September 2022.

Italian coffee company Lavazza recently blamed falling profitability on rising coffee prices, even as it announced a 13 per cent increase in revenue last year to $3bn. “The sharp increase in the cost of the raw material” had created an “extremely complex” macroeconomic scenario for the industry, said Lavazza Group chief executive Antonio Baravalle.

The bulk of the world’s robusta beans, used in instant coffee and espresso, are grown in Vietnam. Normally the country’s rainy season is well under way by mid-April, but this year a prolonged heatwave is damaging the crop.

This has compounded existing supply constraints and sparked concerns among roasters of a global shortage, prompting a buying spree, according to Carlos Mera, head of agricultural commodities at Rabobank. “There’s not much coffee left unsold in Vietnam.”

Apr 15 - Bumper Indian cumin supply cuts prices
- Indian cumin seed prices are declining due to the combination of a bumper Indian cumin seed production and carry-over stocks. Indian cumin seed farmers were encouraged by record prices in the previous season, maximizing their use of suitable farm inputs in the process. Indian cumin seed spot prices averaged 23,303 Indian rupees per quintal ($2,787/metric ton) in conventional contracts (lots over three metric tons) at the Unjha market (Gujarat, northwest) on 15 March 2024, 11% less month-on-month and 42% less year-on-year.

Apr 15 - Robusta coffee prices continue to reach historic highs
- The most active robusta contract for July delivery in London settled at $3,790 per metric ton on 11 April, after hitting $3,851/t earlier in the session, the highest level since the current form of the contracts started trading in 2008. This was up $75 on the day and $92 from a week ago. Tight supplies in Vietnam, the world’s largest producer of robusta coffee, remained the main bullish factor. Lack of water for irrigation in the country’s growing areas due to low rainfall was leading to crop concerns.
- In contrast, robusta coffee exports from Brazil in March remained well above from year-ago levels, having hit a record high for the month, according to data released by the industry group Cecafe this week. In New York, the most-active July arabica coffee contract settled at $2.1735 per pound on Thursday, after setting an 18-month high of $2.189/lb during the session. This was up 4.70 cents on the day and 11.55 cents from the previous week. Roasters are boosting arabica coffee share in blends due to the significant increase in robusta prices.

Apr 15 - Sugar prices ease amid positive prospects for production

- The most-active raw sugar contract for May delivery closed at 20.85 cents per pound on 11 April, after slumping to a one-month low of 20.81 cents/lb. This was down 0.61 cents on the day and 1.51 week-on-week. Higher than-expected production in India and Thailand had weighed on sugar prices. In addition, recent rains in Brazil’s main sugar region are expected to improve prospects for the 2024-25 crop, which started this month.

- Similarly, in London, the white sugar contract for May delivery settled at $628.10 per metric ton on Thursday, down $4.40 on the day and $22.60 on the week. The most-active August contract closed at $596.90/t, down $12.10 from the previous day and $28.10 w/w.- Sugar exports from Brazil, the world’s largest producer, continued to grow sharply year-on-year, reaching 2.72 million metric tons in March, 49% more than the same month last year, customs data showed. The market expects sugar production to remain strong in the new season, which is likely to keep exports at high levels.
Apr 12 - Low turmeric production estimate is raising Indian prices
- Low inventories and a disappointing crop estimate are fueling Indian turmeric spot prices. The Indian spot fob unpolished turmeric price averaged 15,642 Indian rupees per quintal ($1,877/metric ton) at the Nizamabad market on 5 April 2024 , 8% more month-on-month and 141% more year-on-year. India’s global sales reached 10,490 metric tons, 16% less y/y in January 2024. The main importers were the UAE and Bangladesh, taking 20% and 15%, respectively.

Apr 11 - Vietnam's crop faces water shortage, Indonesia closed for holiday (Reuters)
- Vietnamese coffee prices inched up further this week amid concerns around supplies of the next crop due to a lack of water for irrigation in the growing areas, while the Indonesian market was closed for holidays, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 105,000-105,900 dong ($4.20-$4.24) per kg, up from 101,200-103,000 dong range a week ago.
"Farmers are under no pressure to sell beans especially amid a potential drought that may deepen the shortage," said a trader based in the coffee belt.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $600 per ton to the July contract.
"There was almost no rain. If the lack of water for irrigation continues, coffee output in the 2024/25 crop may decrease sharply compared to the current crop," the Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam said in a note this week.

Vietnam's coffee exports in the first three months of this year were at 585,696 metric tons, up 5.9% from a year earlier, government customs data showed.
The country exported about 188,972 metric tons of coffee in March, a rise of 17.7% from the previous month.

Apr 05 - Kenya’s Weekly Coffee Sales Reach $10 Million
- Kenya’s Coffee prices surged by three percent in the latest auction, driven by concerns of a global shortage exacerbated by heavy rains disrupting Brazilian crop yields. This spike propelled farmers’ overall earnings for the week to $10 million. During this week’s auction, the price of the beverage soared to $245, up from $237 in the previous sale.

On Tuesday, both arabica and robusta coffee prices experienced significant increases in the world market, with arabica hitting a one-month high and robusta reaching an unprecedented peak. Market momentum was fueled by persistent worries stemming from Monday regarding the potential impact of extensive rainfall in Brazil’s key coffee-producing regions on crop yields. The Minas Gerais region, which accounts for roughly 30 percent of Brazil’s arabica production, suffered negative impacts from the rains, raising concerns about supply disruptions in the market.

- This uptick in prices translated into a commendable boost in the overall sales value, climbing to an impressive $10.2 million from the previous $7 million. Notably, Kenya’s premier coffee-grade AA witnessed a spike in value, with a 50-kilo bag commanding $315 compared to the previous sale’s $313. Similarly, Grade AB, the second-tier in terms of quality, experienced an increase, fetching $247 per bag, up from the preceding $237.

The government of Kenya is actively advocating for coffee reforms aimed at increasing farmers’ earnings by eliminating brokers along the value chain. Kenya primarily sells up to 95 percent of its total production to the world market, with only five percent allocated for local consumption.

Apr 05 - Vietnam prices edge up further, Indonesian harvest could face delay (Reuters)

 - Vietnamese coffee prices edged higher this week due to concerns about how lack of water and potential drought conditions may affect crops, while in Indonesia, there was concern that the harvest could be delayed until late May or June. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 101,200-103,000 dong ($4.06-$4.13) per kg, up from last week's 98,100-100,200 dong, according to farmers and traders. Vietnamese coffee prices have been on a rising trend since October amid tight supplies."Only when coffee harvesting activities in Brazil and Indonesia start, will farmers stop expecting higher prices and become willing to release more beans," Nguyen Ngoc Quynh, deputy director of the Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam, said in a note to clients this week.Robusta coffee LRCc2 for July delivery settled up $16 at $3,743 per metric ton on Wednesday.- Vietnam exported 799,000 tons of coffee in the first three months of 2024, up 44.4% from a year earlier, government data showed. Coffee export revenue in the same period rose 54% to $1.9 billion, the General Statistics Office said in a report.- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans were offered at a premium of $550 per metric ton to April contracts, down from $720 a week ago, a trader said, adding that prices in London had surged in the last few days."There is still a lack of green beans and a possibility that the harvest could be delayed to the end of May or June," the trader said, without elaborating.Beans were quoted at a premium of $620 to May contracts, down from $750 last week.

Apr 01 - Ivory Coast to raise cocoa farmgate price by 50%
Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara will increase the official cocoa farmgate price to 1,500 CFA francs per kg from Tuesday from the current 1,000 CFA, sources at five different export companies said. The sources, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said they were citing a decision at a government meeting on Saturday.

Mar 29 - ASIA COFFEE-Prices at record high in Vietnam as dry weather drives supply concerns (Reuters)
- Vietnamese coffee prices rose to an all-time high this week, supported by exceptionally tight supplies and concerns dry weather would reduce next year's crop, traders said Thursday.
Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 98,100-100,200 dong ($3.96-$4.04) per kg, up from 93,000-94,200 dong range a week ago.
A trader based in the coffee belt said farmers had sold most of their stocks and were unwilling to cut prices as people were still willing to buy. The trader also cited the prospect of "less rainfall and higher temperatures" in the coffee growing area, which may reduce output in the next season.

- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery settled up $92, or 2.7%, at $3,467 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $600-$620 per ton to the May contract.
"With the current low supply situation and negative new crop supply prospects, Vietnamese farmers and traders are still in a 'stockpiling' mood," Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam said in a note earlier this week.
"Due to the supply shortage, there is a high possibility that Vietnamese coffee exporters will limit signing new orders in the second quarter of this year," it added.

- Indonesia's Sumatra Robusta coffee beans for the April contract were offered at $720 premium, down from $820 premium last week, a trader said, saying the reason was a sharp increase in stocks in London. Another trader said for the May contract, the price was $750 premium, unchanged from last week. Indonesia's Sumatra robusta coffee bean exports in February reached 3,221.2 metric tons, data from the local trade office showed on Thursday, down 73.19% from the same month last year.


Mar 28 - Brazil's No 1 coffee exporter reports lower 2023 shipments
Brazil's Cooxupe, the country's No. 1 coffee exporter and the world's largest coffee growers co-op, reported on Wednesday a large fall in 2023 shipments due to low prices and logistics bottlenecks. Cooxupe said in its annual report that it had shipped 4.5 million 60-kg bags of arabica coffee in 2023 versus 6.8 million bags in 2022. Total revenues fell to 6.4 billion reais from 10.1 billion reais in 2022.

Mar 22 - Global sugar supply surplus rises on India, Thailand, says broker
The global sugar market is projected to have a larger than expected supply surplus in the 2023/24 October to September season due to production recoveries in India and Thailand in the later stages of their crops, broker StoneX said on Thursday. It projected that global sugar production exceed total demand by 3.88 million metric tons, up from 3.4 million tons seen in February.

Mar 21 - Domestic prices edge higher in Vietnam on tight supply, strong demand (Reuters)

- Domestic prices in Vietnam, the world's main robusta coffee bean producers, were set for hitting a historic milestone of 100,000 dong per kg, as supplies remained tight while demands stayed healthy, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 93,000-94,200 dong ($3.75-$3.80) per kg, up from 90,400-92,000 dong range last week.
"The situation remains the same... supplies are almost empty when demands are strong," said a trader based in the coffee belt. "Domestic prices are reaching the record high of 100,000 dong per kg very soon."

- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery settled down $39, or 1%, at $3,315 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $550-$650 per ton to the May contract. Another trader said rains had been seen in some areas but there remained a concern over possible water shortage for irrigation, which may hurt the output of the next season.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans for April deliveries were offered at $820 premium, unchanged from last week as "coffee prices on London terminal declined, while green bean prices remained high", according to one trader. Another trader $750 premium to the May contract, unchanged from a week ago.

Mar 15 - Asia coffee: Premiums widen in Asian main robusta producers on thin supplies (Reuters)

- Premiums extended gains this week in Vietnam and Indonesia, two main robusta beans suppliers, traders said on Thursday, as supplies remained tight although demand slightly waned due to high prices. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam’s largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 90,400-92,000 dong ($3.66-$3.73) per kg, up from 89,000-91,000 dong a week earlier.
“Differentials remain high,” said a trader based in the coffee belt. “Supplies are exceptionally thin. Demands still exist but were slightly down due to the prices.” Robusta coffee for May delivery settled down $47 or 1%, at $3,260 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $550-$600 per ton to the May contract.
“The 2024/25 crop is in the flowering stage. There are concerns over a lack of rainfall in the region this season although rains were forecast to return next week,” another trader based in the same region said.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans were offered at a $820 premium for the April contract, higher than last week’s $710 premium. “Base price for green beans is expensive now as there is no stock,” one trader said.

Mar 14 - African cocoa plants run out of beans as global chocolate crisis deepens
Major African cocoa plants in Ivory Coast and Ghana have stopped or cut processing because they cannot afford to buy beans, four trading sources said, meaning chocolate prices around the world are likely to soar. Chocolate-makers have already increased prices to consumers, after three years of poor cocoa harvests, with a fourth expected, in the two countries that produce nearly 60% of the world's cocoa.

Mar 07 - Asia Premiums rise in major robusta producers on higher demand, supply concerns (Reuters)

- Premiums climbed further in major Asian robusta beans producers, Vietnam and Indonesia, traders said on Thursday, as demand was high amid depleted stocks. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 89,000-91,000 dong ($3.60-$3.68) per kg, up from last week's 82,700-83,700 dong.
"Farmers and dealers said they have already run out of beans, while I managed to buy very few," a trader based in the coffee belt said.
"Domestic prices have reached the 90,000 per kg mark, while premium kept going up amid weaker dong and higher ICE prices."

- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery settled up $129 or 4%, at $3,309 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $500-$550 per ton to the May contract, higher than last week's $400-$450 range. According to a Reuters poll released last week, Vietnam's 2024/25 coffee crop was estimated at 29.5 million 60-kg bags.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans for the April contract were offered at a $710 premium this week, down from $800 a week ago.
"The higher price was to adjust with the London terminal," a trader said.

- Another trader quoted a premium of $750 to the May contract, up from $700 last week.
"Coffee price increased because demand was higher while supply was limited," the second trader said.

Mar 01 - ICCO sees rising global cocoa deficit in 2023/24 season

 The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) on Thursday forecast an increased global cocoa deficit in the current 2023/24 season as aged trees and disease contribute to a drop in production in top growers Ivory Coast and Ghana. In a quarterly update, the inter-governmental body predicted a global deficit of 374,000 metric tons in the 2023/24 season (October-September).

Mar 01 - ICE March raw sugar delivery seen at 1.3 mln tns, say traders
Deliveries of raw sugar on the expiry of the March contract on ICE exchange were seen at 25,751 lots, or around 1.3 million metric tons, according to preliminary information from two traders on Thursday. Asian commodities trader Wilmar International was said to be the largest deliverer of the sugar with 22,562 lots, or 1.14 million tons. French trader Sucden was said to be the main receiver with 17,692 lots, or around 900,000 tons, the traders said.

Feb 29 - Coffee Prices inch higher in Vietnam, Indonesia on thin supply, high demand (Reuters)
- Coffee prices edged up this week in major Asian robusta beans suppliers Vietnam and Indonesia, as demand remained high while supplies were exceptionally limited, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 82,700-83,700 dong ($3.36-$3.40) per kg, up from 81,600-82,500 dong range a week ago.
"Demand remains high but supply is very tight," said a trader based in the coffee belt. "It's very hard to buy. Farmers and dealers are strategic in releasing beans."

- Robusta coffee for May delivery settled down $33 or 1%, at $3,044 per metric ton as of Wednesday close.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium range of $400-$450 per ton to the May contract, compared with the $300-$350 premium range last week.
"$400 is just the threshold to break even. Some even quoted as high as $500 premium," another trader based in the same region said, adding the weather was sunny and dry, and water was sufficient for the trees. Vietnam exported 398,000 metric tons of coffee in the first two months of 2024, up 16.2% from a year earlier, government data released on Thursday showed. Coffee export revenue in the same period rose 67.5% to $1.25 billion.

- Indonesian Sumatra robusta coffee beans for April deliveries were offered at $800 premium this week, up from last week's $720, one trader said.
Another trader quoted $700 premium to the May contract, up from $640 premium a week ago.
"Coffee price rose this week as the demand is higher than supply," the second trader said.

Feb 23 - Ghana's 2023/24 cocoa output seen almost 40% below target, sources say

 Ghana's cocoa output for the 2023/24 season is expected to be almost 40% below a target of 820,000 metric tons, two sources from the country's sector regulator COCOBOD told Reuters. Strong seasonal winds and a lack of rain are among the main factors behind the shortfall, along with smuggling, damage caused by illegal gold mining, and swollen shoot disease.

Feb 22 - Vietnam prices rise on high demand, low supplies (Reuters)

- Vietnam coffee prices rose this week on higher exporter demand after the Lunar New Year, but some farmers are still holding on to beans in hope for higher prices, traders said on Thursday.
Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 81,600-82,500 dong ($3.32-$3.36) per kg, up from 78,900-79,200 dong last week."Demand is high as exporters need beans to fulfil their contracts but beans are too expensive and hard to buy," said a trader based in the coffee belt."The situation may persist until April when Indonesian farmers start to release beans."- Another trader said the weather was favourable at the moment for the trees.Vietnam exported 238,266 metric tons of coffee in January, up 67.4% from a year earlier and 14.8% from the previous month, customs data showed. Revenue reached $726.6 million, up 133.7% from January 2023.- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery settled up $31 or 1%, at $3,177 per metric ton as of Wednesday close.- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium range of $300-$350 per ton to the May contract.- Premiums for Sumatran robusta beans in Indonesia's Lampung jumped from last week, traders said, as demand rose while farmers are still waiting for coffee cherry harvests. One trader offered $720 premium to the April contract, up from $550 on March contract last week. "This is because there is no more beans," the trader said.A small coffee harvest in Lampung province and the surrounding area in southern regions of Sumatra typically starts in March or April, and the main harvest usually starts around June.Another trader offered $640 premium to the May contract, up from $600 premium last week, noting that demand was strong this week.

Feb 16 - Vietnam prices edge down post holidays, Indonesia premiums rise (Reuters)

 - Vietnam coffee prices have softened but remain at higher levels amid tight supplies and lacklustre trade after a week-long Lunar New Year break, while premiums were higher in Indonesia also due to a shortage of beans, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 78,900-79,200 dong ($3.23-$3.24) per kg, down from 79,100-80,000 dong range pre-holiday."Some deals have been sealed on the very first daysof the Lunar New Year," said a trader based in the coffee belt."Most farmers are cultivating both coffee trees and fruit trees, especially durians. They prioritised selling durians first as fruits get easily spoiled, to cash in for holiday... hopefully they will release more coffee beans in the coming days."- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery settled down $73, at $3,090 per metric ton onWednesday.- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $150-$200 per ton to the May contract.- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans were offered at a $550 premium to the March contract this week, up $10-$20 compared to two weeks ago. "The higher price was due to a lack of coffee beans and high price in the London terminal," one trader said. Another trader quoted a $600 premium to the May contract this week, citing the shortage of beans as one of the reasons for the high premium.

Feb 16 - Ivory Coast cocoa council says it will not default on contracts despite bean shortage (Reuters)

- Ivory Coast's Cocoa and Coffee Council will not default on its export contracts despite a drop in cocoa production since the start of the October-to-March main crop, CCC's managing director Yves Brahima Kone said on Thursday. His remarks followed reports that as traders are scrambling for beans, industry experts are predicting ever wider deficits this season and have growing concerns for the next. Last week, a Reuters cocoa poll forecast a global deficit of 375,000 tons in the 2023/24 season.

Bean supply is tight in the world's top producer of the commodity. Cocoa arrivals at ports were 33% lower between Oct. 1 and Feb. 11 compared to the same period last season.

Kone said in an interview on Thursday that the Cocoa and Coffee Council regulator would still meet all its commitments made to exporters last year.

He said the amount of beans available on cocoa plantations across the country would still be enough to meet export contracts despite a sharp drop in supply recorded since the start of the 2023-24 season.
"I can tell you that there are no and will be no defaults this year in Ivory Coast," Kone said.
"We have been cautious and have sold volumes we were able to produce this season, both for the main and mid crops, so we are calm and serene," he said.

- Several industry sources, including exporters, have said the April-to-September mid crop would be more or less in line with usual production patterns, which would compensate for low main crop output. Pod counters, exporters and analysts estimate mid crop production to sit between 450,000 and 500,000 tonnes.

- Kone said export contracts that could not be met with main crop harvests would be pushed back to the mid crop's harvest period, which has already happened in the past.
"We can see that the mid crop harvest is developing much better than we expected, and that's reassuring. We have sold less and have a good margin," he said.
"We are going to postpone any contracts that need to be postponed, but it's important to remember that we have sold just under 300,000 tonnes in mid crop contracts. This gives us some leeway in relation to production forecasts," he added.
"There is less cocoa available this year, but there is plenty for those who have contracts."

Feb 16 - Madagascar delaying the commercial vanilla season due to low prices

Madagascan vanilla prices are clearly down from the official production cost of $120-150/kg settled by the Madagascan government, which has halted the release of the commercial season.

The Madagascan government recently lifted the official export price of $250/kg, banning exports below the official production cost. However, these sources listed the following conventional FOB quotes:

    Production cost settled at $120-150/kg
    Cuts: $20-25/kg
    Red vanilla: $50-55/kg (20-25% dry)
    Black vanilla: $70-80/kg

EU maximum residue limit (MRL) requests are so high that many importers are not asking for organic as processors are not interested in it, matching prices between both.

Feb 15 - Global raw sugar prices expected to rise 20% this year

 Raw sugar prices are expected to post an annual gain of nearly 20% in 2024 as the global market shifts into a deficit in the upcoming season, a Reuters poll of 12 traders and analysts showed. Sugar is set to close the year at 24.5 cents per lb, up 5% versus the close on Tuesday and as much as 19% above levels at the end of last year, according to the poll's median forecast.

Feb 08 - High robusta coffee prices boost demand for arabica beans (Reuters)

 - The sharp price increase for robusta coffee, due mainly to poor crops in Asia, is leading roasters to change their blends towards using more lower quality arabicas to cut costs, according to a report by broker hEDGEpoint Global Markets.Prices for robusta increased 67% last year as a stagnant production in the top grower of that variety, Vietnam, and lower output in Indonesia means supply is not coping with demand. Robusta coffee is widely used to make instant coffee and in blends with lower quality arabicas. Fine arabicas are preferred by high-end coffee shops and single serve capsule producers.hEDGEpoint forecasts that there will be a deficit of 3.12 million bags of robusta coffee in the market in the 2023/24 season (Oct-Sept), saying the combined production from Vietnam and Indonesia will fall by between 3 and 4 million bags.As arabica prices rose less, the arbitrage (price difference) KC-LRC1=R between the futures of the two types of coffee fell to levels that boost demand for some types of arabicas, Carlos Costa, hEDGEpoint's global head of sales, said in the report."Apparently, with arbitrage at levels of around 40 cents per pound, we have seen demand migrate to arabicas," said Costa, adding that if the robusta supply situation worsens, the market could see the arbitrage fall close to a low of 28 cents per pound seen in June 2017.According to Cepea/Esalq, a research center at the University of Sao Paulo, prices for lower quality arabica in Brazil (Rio type) are currently around $166 per 60-kg bag, while robusta futures in London are trading at around $186 a bag.The analyst believes the robusta market will remain supported, since there is no expectation for an increase on Vietnam's production beyond 31 million bags, and Brazil's robusta (conilon) production, which has become an alternative to Vietnam's beans, is growing only slightly every year.

Feb 07 - Vietnam coffee farmers seek to renegotiate deals after global price surge (Reuters)

- Farmers in major coffee exporter Vietnam are refusing to deliver coffee they have sold unless contracts are renegotiated following a surge in global prices to a 28-year high. Vietnam is the world's largest supplier of robusta coffee and the standoff is adding impetus to a rally in robusta prices with supplies in Europe becoming very tight. The country had its poorest crop in six years in the 2022/23 season and some contracts were rolled forward into the 2023/24 season meaning a large crop was needed for farmers to fulfil all their commitments.

This season's harvest was, however, also sub-par. The poor crops drove prices much higher and farmers felt they could not afford to deliver at the agreed prices and have sought to renegotiate their contracts.
"I would not say we broke the contract. When prices went up, we renegotiated the prices with buyers. For now, we only release beans if buyers can match our quoted prices," said a Vietnamese farmer in Dak Lak, the main producing region, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The standoff, which initially impacted local Vietnamese dealers, has now filtering out into the wider market, tightening global supplies and helping push the benchmark world price index to its highest since 1995.

Traders estimate that the delivery of between 1-2 million bags of last season's pre-sold Vietnamese coffee - or up to 8.5% of the country's total exports - was delayed following the harvesting of a poor crop in the 2022/23 season. Although much of that coffee has since been delivered, it has left less coffee available for sale this season, exacerbating the price rally.

Two more farmers in Dak Lak, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said they were delivering pre-sold beans but they have had to renegotiate the price because of how much the spot market has rallied.

Traders who baulk at paying up are left short of supply of robusta, which is mainly used in instant coffee, espresso and blends of ground coffee. A Vietnam-based trader said in December and January, there were still some deliveries of pre-sold coffee, but he expects these will fall sharply in the months ahead as he now cannot even get hold of suppliers who owe him this low-priced coffee.

Even though they have written contracts, global traders say it is not worthwhile for them to sue local suppliers because of the expense involved.

Mentality Shift

- One Europe-based trader said he received just 20% of the Vietnamese coffee he was meant to get last November and December. The coffee was bought last August at a price some 20% below current local rates. Instead, he is trying to convince his suppliers to deliver a small portion of the low priced coffee in return for large volumes of orders for coffee priced at current spot rates.

- Those who agree still get a good average rate for their coffee, he explained, but added that the strategy only works if one has good relationships with relatively reliable suppliers.
"The mentality shift is huge, today even if you pay the spot (rate) you might not get as much (coffee) as you want," he said.

- All the traders Reuters spoke to declined to name their problem suppliers due to 'sensitive' talks currently underway with them. An industry expert said all global traders operating in Vietnam have been impacted by the situation. These include Louis Dreyfus, Sucafina, Volcafe and Neumann Kaffee Gruppe, who between them purchase most of the coffee Vietnam produces for export, and whose trading activities, because of their size, tend to impact world prices.
- Louis Dreyfus, Sucafina and Volcafe, a unit of ED&F Man, did not respond to requests by Reuters for comment.
- Neumann Kaffee Gruppe said it was 'too early to make an accurate statement' about the supply situation in Vietnam, because it is still unfolding.

- Vietnam, which produces more than a third of the world's robusta, harvested 26.3 million bags of coffee last season - a six-year low - with the current season seen at 26.6 million, U.S. Department of Agriculture data shows.

- Given the dwindling supplies, many market participants have been turning to the ICE Futures Europe exchange for coffee, driving stocks down. ICE-certified robusta stocks are currently at 10-year lows, according to data from a second Europe-based trader. Falling ICE stocks are visible to the entire market so tend to drive benchmark ICE futures prices higher.
"There's a likelihood this robusta story will persist until the new (robusta) crop (from Brazil is harvested). Even then I'm not convinced it's over," said a trader, referring to possible relief some time around mid-2024.

Feb 02 -Vietnam prices edge up amid tepid activity ahead of holiday (Reuters)

- Vietnam coffee prices edged up this week as trade remained sluggish ahead of the week-long Lunar New Year holiday starting next Thursday, while prices were slightly lower in Indonesia due to a shortage of beans, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 79,100-80,000 dong ($3.24-$3.28) per kg, compared to 73,000-75,000 dong last week.
"Although prices are reaching a new high, trade is limited as some already are under holiday sentiment and dwindling down activities," said a trader based in coffee belt.
"In addition, prices are too high for many buyers now."

- Robusta coffee LRCc2 for May delivery was trading at $3,173 per metric ton as of 0943 GMT on Thursday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $160 per ton to the May contract.
Vietnam exported 96,000 tons of coffee in the first two weeks of January, up 4.2% from a year earlier, government data released on Monday showed. Coffee export revenue in the period rose 40% to $283 million.

- Indonesia's Sumatra exported 4,705.59 tons of robusta coffee bean inDecember, data from local trade office showed, down 91% from the same month last year. Sumatra beans were offered at a $480-$490 premium to the March contract this week. The prices were $500-$520 premiums to the February contract.
"The slightly lower price was due to a lack of coffee supply," the trader said, adding price was also adjusting to London terminal.

Jan 25 - Vietnam domestic prices, Indonesia premium rise on thin supplies (Reuters)

- Vietnamese coffee prices extended gains on Thursday on concerns about thin supplies, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 73,000-75,000 dong ($2.97-$3.05) per kg, up from 71,000-72,900 dong last week.
"Prices have edged higher as farmers refrain from selling their beans to traders on anticipation of higher prices due to the Red Sea tensions and low London inventories," said a trader based in the coffee belt.
"Many exporters are finding it hard to secure enough coffee to fulfil their signed contracts."
Another trader said farmers are still holding around 70% of the beans harvested in the 2023-24 crop.

- March robusta futures on Wednesday settled $25, or 0.8%, higher at $3,207 a ton, after peaking at $3,254 earlier - the highest since the current form of the contract started trading in January 2008.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee premium widened this week, also on thin supplies.
Sumatra robusta bean is offered at a $500-520 premium for the February-March contract this week, compared with last week's premium of $500.
A trader said the premium widened to $500 this week from $450 last week, adding that the trend "will continue for a while, at least until the expected main harvest in April and June."

Jan 19 - Domestic prices in Vietnam rise further on supplies concern (Reuters)

- Vietnamese coffee prices extended gains this week as farmers refused to sell beans in hopes of better prices amid shipping disruptions, while Indonesian premiums fell, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 71,000-72,900 dong ($2.89-$2.97) per kg, compared to 69,800-72,000 dong last week.
"Prices keep making new peaks as supplies are very scarce now. Buying beans is a competition now," said a trader based in the coffee belt.
"The situation is not positive at all... Many (traders) have already been late for their deliveries of their signed contracts as they failed to secure beans."

- March robusta coffee LRCc2 has gained $218 in a week, at $3,156 per ton as of Wednesday.
"Inventories on the London exchange hit record low as a result of bean shortage in Vietnam, pushing the prices up," the second trader said.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium of $20-$25 per metric ton to the May contract.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra robusta coffee beans were offered at $500 premium to the February-March contract this week, $50 below last week's premium.
"The price is adjusting to the London terminal," one trader said.
Another trader quoted a $450 premium this week to the March contract.

Jan 16 - Brazil's coffee exports nearly flat in 2023 - industry group
Brazil's green coffee exports ended 2023 nearly flat from the previous year, as vigorous growth in shipments of the robusta variety and China's increasing appetite for the beverage partially offset logistical hurdles, exporters association Cecafe said on Monday. Farmers exported a total of 35.53 million 60-kg bags of green coffee last year, 0.3% below the figure from 2022, Cecafe said.

Jan 12 - Domestic prices in Vietnam jump on tight supplies, shipment disruptions (Reuters)

-Vietnamese coffee prices rose this week tracking higher prices in London due to limited stocks, as farmers held off from selling amid shipping disruptions due to tensions in the Red Sea, traders said on Thursday. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 69,800-72,000 dong ($2.85-$2.94) per kg, up from last week's 67,000-67,900 dong.
"It is very hard to buy (beans) now although all are rushing to buy," said a trader based in the coffee belt.
"Prices are climbing up every day and the disruption will not be solved anytime soon. Farmers are selling, but not in bulk."

- March robusta coffee LRCc2 has gained $164 in a week, at $2,950 per ton as of Wednesday, due to the conflict in the Red Sea which has disrupted shipping routes for the past weeks.
- Another trader said some were speculating beans, causing a more severe scarcity of beans on the market.
"Roasters in EU now have to pay the additional freight caused by this unexpected event while exporters here find it hard to ship beans to EU," the second trader added.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium range of $70-$100 per ton to the March contract.
Vietnam exported 1.6 million metric tons of coffee in 2023, down 8.7% from 2022, government customs data showed. Export revenue for the period, however, rose 4.6% to $4.2 billion.

- In Indonesia, Sumatra coffee beans premiums fell to $550-$600 to the January-February contract, from last week's $600 premium.


Jan 10 - Indian coffee exports set to surge thanks to global price rally
India's coffee exports are likely to rise as much as 10% in 2024 as a rally in global prices prompts European buyers to pay premiums in order to increase purchases from the country, industry officials told Reuters. The South Asian country - famous as a tea producer - is also the world's eighth-largest coffee grower, mainly churning out the robusta beans used to make instant coffee.


Jan 05 - Chocolate suppliers accused of sourcing cocoa from Nigeria's protected forests - DJ/AP

- The European Union, the largest market for cocoa from West Africa, will begin implementing its new regulation this year on deforestation-free products that require companies selling commodities, including cocoa, to prove they have not caused deforestation – and while the spotlight has focussed on issues related to farming in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana, it has emerged that neighbouring Nigeria also has a problem. According to World Bank trade data and Nigeria’s export council, more than 60% of Nigeria’s cocoa heads to Europe and approximately 8% to the United States and Canada. Experts at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria said they are launching a ‘Trace Project’ in six southern states to advance compliance against deforestation in cocoa production and ensure the country’s cocoa is not rejected in Europe.

- But in a significant investigation by the Associated Press (AP), Rasheed Adedeji, who leads the institute’s research outreach, said: “From the preliminary data collected, major exporters are implicated in deforestation, and it is their responsibility to ensure compliance with standards .”
AP reporters said they have repeatedly documented farmers harvesting cocoa beans where that work is banned in conservation areas of Omo Forest Reserve, a protected tropical rainforest 135 kilometres (84 miles) northeast of the coastal city of Lagos in southwestern Nigeria.

- Cocoa from the conservation zone is purchased by some of the world’s largest cocoa traders, according to AP, including Singapore-based food supplier ofi (Olam Group) and Nigeria’s Starlink Global and Ideal Limited, along with Tulip Cocoa Processing Ltd, a subsidiary of Dutch cocoa trader and producer Theobroma.
“Those companies supply Nigerian cocoa to some of the world’s largest chocolate manufacturers, including Mars Inc. and Ferrero, but because the chocolate supply chain is so complex and opaque, it’s not clear if cocoa from deforested parts of Omo Forest Reserve makes it into the sweets that they make, such as Snickers, M&Ms, Butterfinger and Nutella. Mars and Ferrero list farming sources on their websites that are close to or overlap with the forest but do not provide specific locations ,” the AP report stated.

- Ofi said that it “forbids ” members of its ‘Ore Agbe Ijebu’ farmer group from “sourcing from protected areas and important natural ecosystems like forests .” AP said the Ijebu farmer group is listed as a sustainable supplier on Olam’s website and is said to be in Ijebu Ife, a community near the reserve. Ferrero, Mars, and Tulip have issued statements that they’re committed to their anti-deforestation policies, use GPS mapping of farms, and that their suppliers are certified through independent standards.

Jan 05 - Czarnikow expects small global sugar surplus helped by Brazil weather
Czarnikow on Thursday forecast a small global sugar surplus of 1.6 million metric tons for the current 2023/24 season due to favourable weather in top producer Brazil and rains in the latter half of the season in Thailand. The trader and supply chain services company expects sugar production will total 179.7 million tons in 2023/24, up 1.3 million tons from its December forecast.

Jan 04 - ASIA COFFEE-Vietnam trading slows post holidays, Indonesia flat

- Major Asian coffee markets saw little activity amid low demand for Vietnamese robusta beans this week, traders said on Thursday, while Indonesian premiums were unchanged on limited stockpiles. Farmers in the central highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 67,000-67,900 dong ($2.75-$2.79) per kg, slightly narrowing from last week's 67,000-68,500 dong.
"Demand from international buyer is not high, buyers are mostly local roasters now," said a trader based in the coffee belt.
"Farmers are releasing beans bit by bit, not in bulk. They only sell beans when they need money," the trader added.

- March robusta coffee has fallen $86 this week since resuming trade after the New Year holidays, having closed at $2,755 per metric ton on Wednesday.

- Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta at a premium range of $70-$100 per ton to the March contract, compared with last week's $20-$40 premiums. Coffee exports from Vietnam are estimated to have fallen 9.6% in 2023 from a year earlier to 1.6 million tons, government data showed, although export revenue rose 3.1% to $4.2 billion.

- Meanwhile, Indonesia exported 12,962.36 tons of robusta beans from Sumatra in November, official data showed, down 77.5% from the same month last year. Shipments also edged lower on a monthly basis. In Lampung province, robusta beans were offered at around $600 premium to February to March contracts, similar to the January to February contracts offered last week, one trader said.
"There is virtually no more beans so the premium is not coming down just yet," the trader said.

Robusta coffee harvest in the southern region of Sumatra typically gradually starts from around March to April. A farmer in Western Lampung district said coffee cherries are currently "the size of a crab's eyes".


May 23 ended the last trading day of last week slightly firmer at GBP +8 at GBP 2009, a full GBP 2 lower than last Monday's open at GBP 2011. The week saw a volatile weekly pattern, with a high of GBP 2038 and a low of GBP 1989, where price fixing from the origin and occasional price hedging from the industry balanced each other out. In the end, not much happened in cocoa. The Commitment of Traders figures, as per the reporting deadline of 7 February, will not be published until further notice. In the grading room, one BDU Nigeria (fresh arrival) and one BDU Guinea (regrade) went under the knife on Friday. Both BDUs passed the test.