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Market Product Terms Delivery Last Update Last Price Cur/unit Area Instrument
FREIGHT GRAINS B/B from U.S.GULF Indice NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 50.38 $/mT PNW
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FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to Europe Voyage NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 26.00 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Spain Bilbao NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 29.40 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Spain Barcelona AUG20 18 Apr 24 23:00 20.30 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Algeria Skikda NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 42.30 $/mT DZ
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Turkey Izmir NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 28.70 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Israel Ashdod NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 23.50 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Egypt El Dekheila NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 28.50 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Iran Bandar Abbas NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 112.00 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Iraq Bashra NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 112.00 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to India Calcuta NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 51.05 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-60 TMT US GULF to Philippines Manila NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 51.50 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to Taiwan Kaohsiung NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 55.80 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to South Korea Pusan NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 53.50 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to Japan Yokohama/Chiba NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 57.30 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to Indonesia Jakarta NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 58.00 $/mT USG
FREIGHT 54-70 TMT US GULF to China Voyage NBY SHP 18 Apr 24 23:00 51.00 $/mT USG
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